Connecting With Zoom
During this time, we as a community are truly testing the idea that church exists outside the four walls of our building. To that end, we look forward to connecting with you in a variety of ways.
One of those ways is with Zoom, an online video conferencing resource.

Weekly Bible Study
This study is taking a break and will resume at a later date.
Join us for a weekly Bible study based on the Bible passages and sermon from the previous Sunday's worship. All are welcome. Sign up with Suzie for a weekly email reminder.
Zoom Meeting ID: 859 9605 9290
Zoom Meeting Password: 8477211

Men's Bible Study Breakfast
Tuesdays, 8:00AM
**Starting on May 11th, Men's Bible Study Breakfast will resume meeting in person at the Holiday Inn at 8:00am. If preferred, you may still join us in using
the Zoom link.
Join men from Trinity for a weekly Bible study based on the Bible passages for the upcoming worship. All are welcome. Connect with Charles for a weekly email reminder.
Zoom Meeting ID: 318 066 0801
Zoom Meeting Password: 196588
Contact: Charles Jensvold
Introduction to Using Zoom
Download Zoom on your device.
For Phone
Go to App Store (Apple) or Google Play (Android).
Search for Zoom Cloud Meetings and install.
From Desktop
Go to www.zoom.us/download
Click on Zoom Client For Meetings to download.
Be sure to choose YES when asked about allowing app to make changes to your device.
To utilize the video option (for others to see your face) your device must have a webcam.
Enter the 9 numbers of the meeting link you wish to attend or simply click on the link listed on the schedule.
The meeting isn’t opened until close to the scheduled starting time. If you miss the starting time, you will be joined while the meeting is already in session (and that’s okay).
If your device doesn't have a webcam, you will still be able to see and hear everyone else.
If your device does have a webcam, you have the option of being seen or not seen. Look for that option on your screen. If you choose not to be seen, you will still be able to see and hear everyone else.
Be patient with yourself the first time. Ask for help if you need it.