Adult Education offerings provide opportunities for a lifetime of continued spiritual growth, deepening biblical awareness, and away to get to connect with others in our community of faith.
Classes and Studies
February 2025
Join us for various studies and classes throughout the year.
A Good Death
Date/Time: Thursday, February 13, 12-1pm
Leader: Pastor Megan Clapp
Location: Trinity's Community Room
Lunch will be provided; please RSVP by calling the church office at 218-847-7211.
Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life
Date/Time: Sundays in March, 3:00-4:30pm (March 2, 9, 16, 23)
Leader: Pastor Megan Clapp
Location: Trinity's Community Room
Join Pastor Megan to take a deep dive into what it means to be Lutheran and discover how baptism influences our whole lives. Cost of book is $6.50. Please RSVP by February 16 by calling the church office at 218-847-7211.
Who Is My Neighbor
Date/Time: Tuesday, March 11, 12-1pm
Leader: Pastor Megan Clapp
Location: Trinity's Community Room
Lunch will be provided; please RSVP by calling the church office at 218-847-7211.
Lunch & Learns
Lunch & Learns are monthly times of connection and learning! Life is full of changes and transitions for ourselves, and our loved ones. A simple soup and sandwhich meal will be served. No need to pre-register; all are welcome.
Leader: Suzie Porter
Time/Date: 1st Thursdays, 12:00-1:00 pm
Location: Community Room
January 9 - Scams in Becker County with Adam Douglas & Lt Luke Sewer
Feburary 6 - Dementia Friends with Amy Dallmann
March 6 - TBD
April 3 - TBD
May 1 - Trisa Hutchinson/Pelican Landing
Lunch & Learns will pause for the summer, and resume in the fall.
Study: When Mourning Dawns
When Mourning Dawns is a four-week class with Pastor Ann, using a video series and the seasons of the year to help us learn about loss and grief. The class size will be limited to 10 people and attendance at all four evenings is important for content and community building. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Ann.
Leader: Pastor Ann Jacobson
Time/Date: Next Session TBD
Location: Fireside Room
There is no cost for this study. If you are interested in a future study on this topic, please contact Suzie.