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Early Childhood Ministry

Sunday Mornings

We believe it is never too young to start building relationships between our youngest, their parents and God! Come to the nursery with your youngest during the fellowship hour to take a breath from your busy lives. Grab a cup of coffee, connect with other parents, let your kids play together and take some time to plant seeds of faith with your child. 


Ages: 0-3 years & a guardian/parent

Time: 9:35am-10:20am

Dates: 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month

September* thru April

*September dates will be 15th & 29th

Location: Nursery


There is a nursery available and welcome for families to use as needed. The nursery is not regularly staffed but there is worship service streaming in the room so the parent can stay tuned into the worship service. 


For more information or if you have questions regarding Early Childhood Ministry, please contact Laura Morlock, Director of Children & Family Ministries at 218-847-7211 or by email (

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